Daylight Savings Time. Coronavirus. Stock market volatility. No more college or professional basketball, or other sports. Closures everywhere. Travel restrictions. Friday the 13th. And that’s just the “highlights.” It has been quite a week!
Scribe’s staff works in a virtual environment. The vast majority of our employees work from their home. We expect to continue the same high level of service to our valued clients through the upcoming weeks.
We’ll continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any further changes to our working patterns if needed.
Because of COVID-19, our entire health system will be taxed as never before. We will do all in our power to help providers make sure their time is used as efficiently as possible. Time spent working on documentation is time not spent on patient care.
And, on a lighter note – if you’re tired of singing “Happy Birthday” to be sure you wash your hands for 20 seconds, here’s how you can design your own poster with a favorite song to get your 20 seconds in!