Many providers have made the transition to using speech recognition technology to capture patient encounters. This is a substantial time saver for providers and is much less expensive than using a scribe during the patient visit. Anyone who has used smart phone speech recognition technology (SRT) such as Siri or Alexa knows that speech recognition is not 100% accurate on its own. Providers realize some editing will be needed as information is entered into an EHR.
So how can providers up the game? Partnering smart technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) with speech recognition can dramatically lead to improved chart completion, keeping costs down, higher accuracy in coding, and less time spent on each encounter.
NLP can lead to end-to-end integration where the narrative is broken into discrete components that allows Scribe’s system to structure and codify the voice recording before it goes into the EHR. This can be especially helpful for specialists who see many of the same type of issues, such as sports injuries.
The most significant impact on a practice is that the provider is spending more time with patients, not tethered to a computer and at the same time increased accuracy and complete data results in faster reimbursements and fewer denials.
Read how Scribe’s use of NLP and SRT create a synergy of 2 technologies that enable providers to focus on what matters most – patient care.